Schyzostlylus Mrs Hegarty
A pretty and long flowered plant for a damp soil in a sheltered position forms a nice clump. Grows well amongst other perennials or under roses.
Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.
Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.
Data sheet
A pretty and long flowered plant for a damp soil in a sheltered position forms a nice clump. Grows well amongst other perennials or under roses.
One of the best geraniums in cultivation, this is a descendant of Geranium wallichianum. It has an exceptionally long flowering period, the blooms are are sky blue with white centres, abundant and lovely. The plant has a mounding ground covering habit, and is frost and drought hardy.
A low-spreading variety with attractive grey-green leaves and pink flowers. Great under roses with Heuchera americana and Alchemilla mollis.
Portugese form of the pink rosemary, more true pink than Majorca pink and less upright, bushier and lower growing.
Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.
A large flowered rich blue purple aster that flowers late summer. Stout stems and self supporting, grows well in meadow plantings amongst grasses and other perennials such as delphinium, echinacea, and scabiosa.
Large salmon-pink flowers with blackish-purple spotting. A vigorous free flowering variety which complements roses and paeonies.
Lovely species with wine red bells on tall stems. Often the bracts are a silvery grey which contrast nicely with the darker bells. Needs fertile conditions
My friend Paulette grew these from seed, and these are cutting raised plants from selected seedlings. Apparently the flowers are edible, I love the perfume and they flower forever with no fuss. Best in border or rock garden, rich pink flowers.
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
Commonly known as "Solomon"s Seal", a clumping perennial with attractive foliage and white flowers for shade or part sun.
Ornamental bronze tinged foliage plant for pond margins and clay soils; associates well with gunnera, filipendula, and Iris. Best in part shade, native to China and Japan.
Remarkable double white parma violet, sweetly perfumed and delicious. Plant as ground cover in shade under trees, combine with helleborus, anemone, dicentra, and epimedium. Similar to 'Swanley White' but as we have collected these from different sources we have listed separately.
Richly coloured summer flowering achillea, begins as a deep burnt orange colour and will fade to a soft ochre.
Lovely white form, drought tolerant plant with tall stems of white butterfly like flowers above low foliage
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.