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Sedum ruprechtii
  • Sedum ruprechtii

Sedum ruprechtii

Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.

Tax included


Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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