Rosmarinus officianalis 'Herb Cottage'
This is the best variety for drying and essential oil production, as it has a higher than usual oil concentrate in the leaves. Used in the production of cosmetics and fragrances.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.
Data sheet
This is the best variety for drying and essential oil production, as it has a higher than usual oil concentrate in the leaves. Used in the production of cosmetics and fragrances.
The orange oriental perennial poppy, originally from Turkey. The blooms are impressive, and in good conditions the plant will make a large perennial clump in only a few years. Remove the first flower and avoid acid soils.
A dark flowered seedling I selected at Richard Bramleys "Farmyard Nursery" in Wales. An improvement on "Moerheim Beauty", with deep orange red flowers in mid to late summer.
This dwarf variety makes a great subject for a hanging basket or ground cover over a drystone wall. Lovely porcelain blue flowers in summer.
Burnt orange 'Kangaroo Paw', easily grown in dry soil types, preferring good drainage.
A superb and versatile plant from New Zealand with completely silver, flax-like foliage. Makes a bold statement in the mixed border with sedums and euphorbias or can be grown in gravel with succulents and alpine plants. Also a great pot plant.
The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.
Campanula punctata type with semi double flowers, tall panicles, elegant and lovely. Spreading habit, frost and drought hardy.
Climbing Tasmanian clematis with simple, white flowers. Dense, bushy growth and attractive olive green occasionally purple foliage. Responds well to pruning.
A lovely species from Greece, useful as a ground-cover for part-sun with attractive velvety leaves and deep blue flowers. Closely related to Geranium ibiricum.
Soft peach colour fading to pastel, a subtle colour for the cottage garden combining well with astrantia, geraniums and old roses.
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred coral red flowers with white centres.
A tall Iris pseudacorus hybrid for the border or pondside. Can grow in water or in normal garden conditions. Bronze and gold flowers in spring. Can be rampant .
Deep cobalt-blue flowers on tall stems. Delphiniums love horse manure and require sheltered sunny conditions to do their best.
Moisture fertile clay soil loving perennial, combining well with upright spikey varieties like veronicastrum, lysimachia etc.
White lace cap variety, flatter flowers with lilac centre buds; stable colour and lovely.