Viola odorata 'Rose Pink'
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
Data sheet
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
Later season Aster laterifolius cultivar with dark foliage and pink flowers. A attractive foliage variation and mounding habit has a soft effect. Great in meadow style plantings with other perennials.
Attractive perennial resembling a veronica in flower, with showy deep pink flower spikes and sage like leaves. A versatile plant for border or cottage garden.
Ornamental bronze tinged foliage plant for pond margins and clay soils; associates well with gunnera, filipendula, and Iris. Best in part shade, native to China and Japan.
Old fashioned shade-loving primrose with burgundy gold edged flowers. Choice and lovely.
Medium hydrangea with large heads of blue lacecaps. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.
Bergenia are very tough evergreen perennials useful for ground cover in shade with hellebores, pachysandra, and epimedium. This is a compact variety with soft pink flowers and good foliage colour during winter.
Climbing Tasmanian clematis with simple, white flowers. Dense, bushy growth and attractive olive green occasionally purple foliage. Responds well to pruning.
A beautiful grass from Peru where it grows on elevated dry plateau on gravelly ground. In Australia it tends to flower autumn to winter, and prefers to dry off in summer, although in mild areas it seems to flower continuously if dead headed. Cut older plants back to half after flowering once growth begins to show signs of drying off. The white flowers...
Spreading perennial for moist areas with attractive musk-pink drumstick flowers in summer. Best result in cooler climates with morning sun on fertile soil.
Terrific ornamental grass which has not shown any seedling to date, which makes it a very welcome addition as a foliage filler. The foliage is nicely mounding, evergreen and knee high, and the red pompom flower heads have almost the effect of a sanguisorba, later fading to a pleasant straw colour until mid winter providing an effective textural effect....
Himalayan species, with attractive pink stems & foliage. The lime green flowers form an interesting contrast.
Spectacular plant native to the Canary Islands with outrageously huge purple flower panicles to 250 cm from a large rosette of foliage. Impress your neighbours and plant a hedge of these! They will occasionally re-seed.
Spreading ground covering deciduous perennial for shade, with leaves like a small epimedium, soft yellow flower. Combine with dicentras, hellebores and pachyphragmas. Drought tolerant once established.
Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils,...
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.