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Aloe Polyphylla
  • Aloe Polyphylla

Aloe Polyphylla

Sculptural rosette forming succulent, attractive in a pot, border, or rock garden setting. Prefers part shade during really hot periods, otherwise drought hardy. Wild populations now endangered so please nuture these in your garden.

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Sculptural rosette forming succulent, attractive in a pot, border, or rock garden setting. Prefers part shade during really hot periods, otherwise drought hardy. Wild populations now endangered so please nuture these in your garden.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Price $8.50
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Astrantia 'Old Rose'

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Aquilegia 'Rose Queen'

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Teucrium hircanicum

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Iris louisiana 'Sinfonietta'

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Arthropodium cirratum

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Price $9.50
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Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum'

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Price $16.50

Phlomis bovei ssp maroccana

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Price $12.50

Phlox 'Emerald Cushion'

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Price $9.50
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Corydalis flexuosa

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Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Aster 'Winston Churchill'

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Price $8.50
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Campanula punctata

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Teucrium fruticans

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Price $8.50
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