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Salvia 'African Sky'
  • Salvia 'African Sky'

Salvia 'African Sky'

Taller salvia for background plantings with pleasant sky blue flowers. Dislikes winter wet, preferring drainage for best cultivation.

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Taller salvia for background plantings with pleasant sky blue flowers. Dislikes winter wet, preferring drainage for best cultivation.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
tall (121cm plus)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Geranium 'Storm'

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Papaver 'Brilliant'

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Artemesia 'Valerie Finnis'

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Isoplexis canariense

Attractive shrub for the sunny border with apricot foxglove-like flowers in summer. Very drought tolerant but doesn't like frost.

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