Achillea 'Musk Pink'
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
A delightful low growing clumping species with silver foliage, non invasive and evergreen foliage. Golden flowers like a smaller version of 'Gold Plate'.
A delightful low growing clumping species with silver foliage, non invasive and evergreen foliage. Golden flowers like a smaller version of 'Gold Plate'.
Data sheet
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
Large salmon-pink flowers with blackish-purple spotting. A vigorous free flowering variety which complements roses and paeonies.
The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.
A terrific ground covering plant flowering for a long season with hundreds attractive white flowers, easy to grow over a bank, foreground edging , effective filler as massed as bedding for any situation, or combined in groups with mixed perennials in a meadow setting. All round great plant and current favourite of ours.
Native to the Himalayas from Afghanistan to Sikkim, a clumping perennial with attractive trifoliate leaves and deep crimson red flowers.
A useful tough cascading groundcover for dry banks and difficult areas once its established. Stays low and has a long flowering period
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
A fine variety with large deep indigo flowers , useful for inter-planting between roses.
A branching form of Russells lupin with white and cream flowers. Provide good drainage and dry off in summer, looks wonderful with white roses.
Seedlings from our best slate flowered plants, bred from Ashwood and Phedar plants. The majority of these will come true to parent.
This is the rarely offered white form, lovely cut flower and cottage garden perennial. To grow effectively, avoid winter wet as much as possible and grow in a raised bed or well drained soil.
An herbaceous Phlomis with large heart-shaped leaves eventually forming a large clump 1 metre across. Whorls of lemon yellow flowers on thick upright stems during summer followed by attractive seed heads. Very tough once established.
Spectacular background border plant, where it will make a good show during summer with sufficent moisture. Attractive flowers in clusters, purple stems like Angelica gigas.
A nice addition to the summer flowering pallette, this persicaria has a softer colour than 'Taurus' with similar good qualities of long flowering and good foliage and infill. Best on heavier fertile soils.
Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.