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Seed grown plants from our white flowered form, with dark purple leaves. All plants have purple leaves, with a variation from cream to light blue flowers.
Seed grown plants from our white flowered form, with dark purple leaves. All plants have purple leaves, with a variation from cream to light blue flowers.
Data sheet
A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.
One of the best Geranium pratense crosses , flowering all through summer with lovely dark blue flowers reminiscent of Geranium himalayense. Compact shape and long-flowering.
The lowest growing of all the lambs ears, and a brilliant long lasting drought tolerant groundcover forming mats of velvety foliage maximum only 10cm tall. We use this extensively for edging borders and paths,and find it combines well with armeria, thymes, origanum rotundifolium, and dwarf bulbs.
Native to Spain, Portugal and Morocco, a spectacular tall grass with attractive seed heads in autumn. Takes a few years to achieve maturity but well worth the wait.
The 'wood anemone' is useful as a ground cover in shade. Treat as a bulb, dry off after flowering, summer deciduous, good amongst Hosta and Helleborus. This is the traditional form with single white flowers.
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.
Mounding grey foliage plant resembling ballota, useful for larger coastal gardens where it forms an effective ground cover with westringea, correa, prostrate rosmary and native grasses. Can also be grown as a low hedge if planted 80cm apart.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Grey foliage mat forming ground cover, with tiny yellow button flowers in summer. Best in open sunny situation.
A mound-forming sub alpine species with sweetly fragrant soft pink flowers. Useful amongst gravel and stones, petite compact form.
A spectacular shrubby species from Chile with greyish felted leaves and contrasting brick red flowers. An unusual and attractive border plant if you have room.
Attractive shrub for the sunny border with apricot foxglove-like flowers in summer. Very drought tolerant but doesn't like frost.
An easily grown long flowering bushy perennial for a sunny spot, repeat flowers during summer and early winter if dead headed. A fine backdrop for lower perennials and fills out well between roses and salvias.
A shorter more compact form of the tall officianalis equally hardy and prolific, only growing to 80cm. Purple pom poms throughout summer, a good improvement for windy locations.
Tall perennial with deep indigo blue flowers in autumn, loosely resembling a Delphinium in form. Useful because of its tolerance to clay soils and later flowering.
Seed grown plants from our white flowered form, with dark purple leaves. All plants have purple leaves, with a variation from cream to light blue flowers.