Helianthemum 'Strawberry Red'
I love helianthemums for their abundant flowering, and superb ground covering abilities in poor growing conditions. We found this as a chance seedling and thought it was worth naming and propagating.
Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.
Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.
Data sheet
I love helianthemums for their abundant flowering, and superb ground covering abilities in poor growing conditions. We found this as a chance seedling and thought it was worth naming and propagating.
The silvery foliage in combination with the abundant single soft pink flowers creates a lovely effect. Like a wild rose but much easier to look after and without the thorns.
A useful tough cascading groundcover for dry banks and difficult areas once its established. Stays low and has a long flowering period
Evergreen rosette-forming penstemon with a tidy appearance and tall spikes of apricot flowers from summer to autumn.
Soft primrose yellow flowers, a seldom seen variety with subtle colour. Plant with snowdrops and spring bulbs.
Lovely species with wine red bells on tall stems. Often the bracts are a silvery grey which contrast nicely with the darker bells. Needs fertile conditions
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
A bushy form of Russells lupin with deep pink flowers, ideal between roses and in the perennial border. Pinch out first flower to develop multistemmed form.
Strong landscaping variety with bushy growth ideal for mass planting or hedges. Blue flowers in summer and drought tolerant once established.
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
Named after the inspiring Dutch landscape architect, a beautiful white form of Phlox paniculata. Cut all paniculata types back to the ground after flowering and they will respond with secondary growth much like oriental poppies.
Gracefully weeping evergreen grass colouring bronze and silver in autumn. Useful as foreground to more upright varieties like Miscanthus "Sarabande" and Calamagrostis "Karl Forester".
Soft grey foliage spreading ground cover for most soils and dry conditions. Will fill nicely amongst verbascum, geraniums and carpet under roses.
Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.
Unusual deciduous violet with purple flecked flowers, likes leafy moist soil in shade.
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.