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Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.
Data sheet
Early summer flowering perennial for border and rock garden, ideal with dianthus, scleranthus and other cushion forming plants. White flowers.
Campanula punctata type with semi double flowers, tall panicles, elegant and lovely. Spreading habit, frost and drought hardy.
Rich purple blue colour and lower growing than other varieties, providing contrast and height variation when combined with 'Carodonna' and 'Lye End'. Frost resistant and winter deciduous.
Mounding variety with reddish purple foliage, and white flowers. In fill plant for woodland with epimedium, myosotidium and Primula beesiana.
Finer compact foliage than the usual Ajuga. Dense, compact form suitable for rock garden or container planting, effective ground cover in damp areas.
Totally prostrate thyme with white flowers. Good green foliage colour and perfect amongst stepping stones and cobbles. The pink equivalent is Thymus "Minimus"
This dwarf variety makes a great subject for a hanging basket or ground cover over a drystone wall. Lovely porcelain blue flowers in summer.
A tall herbaceous euphorbia, most likely a descendant of Euphorbia sikkimensis, with attractive multicoloured foliage and lime green flowers. Frost and drought hardy, cut to the ground annually like Euphorbia sikkimensis.
Attractive evergreen ground cover for shade and moist soil, repeat flowers throughout the year.
Frost tolerant winter dormant variety with sky blue flowers in mid summer. Tall and self supporting, a good border plant for background fill-ins.
Tasmanian native flag iris, useful in combination with grasses and perennials. Lovely and abundant white flowers in spring, evergreen leaves and drought hardy.
Delicate soft pink shade of Helianthemum, equally as tough as other varieties. In the seventies these were fashionable, with dozens of named cultivars being available; sadly these wonderful plants have disappeared from mail order catalogues.
Tall perennial with deep indigo blue flowers in autumn, loosely resembling a Delphinium in form. Useful because of its tolerance to clay soils and later flowering.
I found this little treasure at Woodbank nursery several years ago. It is a very compact, low plant with impressive large clusters of purple trumpets. Non-invasive and perfect for the rock garden or trough.
Drought tolerant groundcover for perennial border; associates well with sedums, santolina, euphorbia, slavias. Grey foliage attractive mounding habit with pink flowers.
Begins salmon pink then transitions to soft ochre as the flowers age, lovely amongst roses and salvias. Like all yarrows, cut down after flowering to renew.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.