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Dierama floriferum
  • Dierama floriferum

Dierama floriferum

Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.

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Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Anemone sylvestris

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Iris sibirica 'Fourfold White'

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Geranium 'Anne Thompson'

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Price $12.50
Last items in stock

Tropaeolum tuberosum

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Price $8.50

Sanguinaria canadensis

Bloodroot. An ancient perennial and medicinal plant used by the native American people, it is very toxic and should not be used without professional consultaton. We grow it as an ornamental groundcover in woodland with hostas, epimedium and dicentra, it is deciduous with white flowers.

Price $12.50

Aquilegia 'Blue Star'

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Perovskia 'Blue Spire'

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Miscanthus 'Silver Feather'

A beautiful variety with silver and reddish flower heads that stand well above the foliage and last into winter. Like other varieties, cut down to ground level in winter every few years.

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Miscanthus transmorrisonensis

Cascades of beautiful silvery plumes in autumn. Vigorous and clump forming. Allow space to show off its best qualities. Combines well with Perovskia and Stipa arundinacea.

Price $9.50
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