Stokesia laevis
Select large flowered form of the species, vigorous and long flowering. Medium height bushy plant, earlier than asters but works to same effect amongst other perennials.
Lovely species with wine red bells on tall stems. Often the bracts are a silvery grey which contrast nicely with the darker bells. Needs fertile conditions
Lovely species with wine red bells on tall stems. Often the bracts are a silvery grey which contrast nicely with the darker bells. Needs fertile conditions
Data sheet
Select large flowered form of the species, vigorous and long flowering. Medium height bushy plant, earlier than asters but works to same effect amongst other perennials.
Long flowering plant with vibrant deep red flowers during summer. Easy in meadow plantings or cottage garden.
Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.
Bloodroot. An ancient perennial and medicinal plant used by the native American people, it is very toxic and should not be used without professional consultaton. We grow it as an ornamental groundcover in woodland with hostas, epimedium and dicentra, it is deciduous with white flowers.
New variety from our trial beds, a lovely pink form which is an offspring from Achillea 'Love Parade', demonstates all the rubustness of other achillea varieties. Once established best not overly fertilized to maintain upright habit, as with other varieties.
Temperate bromeliad from Chile for sunny well drained position, also good in pots. The grey green rosette transforms to brilliant red when the wonderful azure flower appears. Likes winter wet and summer dry in our climate. Avoid clay.
Cascades of beautiful silvery plumes in autumn. Vigorous and clump forming. Allow space to show off its best qualities. Combines well with Perovskia and Stipa arundinacea.
An Hosta sieboldiana selection with large, very blue leaves. An excellent bedding or specimen plant for under deciduous trees with Helleborus.
One of the tallest thalictrum with both wonderful foliage and flower display. Good in shade or part sun, prominent background plant, one of the best varieties we have grown.
Wonderful summer flowering perennial from central Europe from Afghanistan to Tibet. Lavender blue flowers during the summer, popular in eastern herbal medicine.
The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.
Parma type with sweet fragrance, soft lavender lilac double flowers, perfectly placed near a doorway or garden pathway where its subtle perfume can be appreciated.
A tall Iris pseudacorus hybrid for the border or pondside. Can grow in water or in normal garden conditions. Bronze and gold flowers in spring. Can be rampant .
Attractive perennial resembling a veronica in flower, with showy deep pink flower spikes and sage like leaves. A versatile plant for border or cottage garden.
Early summer flowering resembling a blue aster, but flowering for much longer period and all round more contained and well behaved. Likes fertile drained soil
This rudbeckia flower has a developed conical centre, and minimal petals. Use it for textural effect with eryngiums, grasses and sanguisorbas.
Lovely species with wine red bells on tall stems. Often the bracts are a silvery grey which contrast nicely with the darker bells. Needs fertile conditions