Dianthus arenarius
Clumping Central European species with white fringed flowers. For drystone, trough or rockgarden.
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.
Data sheet
Clumping Central European species with white fringed flowers. For drystone, trough or rockgarden.
A dense growing multi stemmed variety prized for topiary and hedging, featured at Sissinghurst Castle. Bright blue flowers.
A softer apricot colour than the regular brighter tangerine variety, flowers for much of the year in fertile heavier soil types.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
An interesting variety which changes its foliage coloration throughout the season. Leaves begin as green then gradually turn golden in autumn with attractive red tints. Best in a dry rock garden or pot.
A brilliant new cultivar with deep purple flowers. Easily cultivated in fertile moist soil, tall graceful stems.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.
Luscious watermelon coloured perennial poppy. Plant amongst penstemons, delphiniums and dianthus in the cottage garden. Cut back after flowering and they will often repeat flower in autumn if given a little mulch and TLC.
Superb tall drumstick type allium with white flowers, ensure very well drained soil and not too wet in winter and dry in summer, especially after flowering
Dark-blue flowered shrubby species with attractive dimpled leaves like Viburnum rhytidophyllum. Pinch out new tips in the first year to encourage bushy growth.
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
Double flowers with ruffled petals, rich pink colour and easily grown like other varieties.
Resembles Euphorbia martinii in flowering, having a reddish brown spot within the green bract. Closer in habit to Euphorbia wulfennii, this a more dependable garden plant, proving itself as long lived in a variety of dry situations.
The lovely white form which flowers earlier than the blue, and is equally easy. I raised our original stock plant from one white seedling which we later divided. Thanks Lindy for recovering this for me when I thought it had been lost forever!
Begins salmon pink then transitions to soft ochre as the flowers age, lovely amongst roses and salvias. Like all yarrows, cut down after flowering to renew.
Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.