Primula vulgaris
The old fashioned fragrant yellow primrose. A delight on a warm spring evening when the delicate perfume wafts around the garden.
Effective ground covering plant with blue flowers and glossy foliage. Combine with alchemillas, epimediums, hellebores and pachysandra.
Effective ground covering plant with blue flowers and glossy foliage. Combine with alchemillas, epimediums, hellebores and pachysandra.
Data sheet
The old fashioned fragrant yellow primrose. A delight on a warm spring evening when the delicate perfume wafts around the garden.
Richly coloured summer flowering achillea, begins as a deep burnt orange colour and will fade to a soft ochre.
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
Medium height violet aster, prolific flowering in autumn. Easy cultivation as with other varieties
Terrific long flowering agastache, distinct from Blue Boa with narrower conical flowers and more blue in colour. Prefers open drainage and good soil, as per other agastache.
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Evergreen species from Morocco, with ornamental silver veining over the glossy dark green leaves. Silver and blue flowers in summer.
Ornamental bronze tinged foliage plant for pond margins and clay soils; associates well with gunnera, filipendula, and Iris. Best in part shade, native to China and Japan.
Lovely fluffy flowering texture in summer providing great fill and a soft contrast. A great grass all round and in early stages grows much like 'Karl Forester' until flowering time, when it looks very different; responds best in heavier fertile soils, and to date doesnt seed here.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Campanula punctata type with semi double flowers, tall panicles, elegant and lovely. Spreading habit, frost and drought hardy.
Single white campanula; simple and beautiful, yet easily grown and long-lived. Like most campanulas, it dislikes excessive leaf litter on the crowns in winter.
Old fashioned 'shasta daisy' with tall strong stems for picking, bullet proof plant that is reliably perennial and will grow almost anywhere.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.