Hosta 'Blue Arrow'
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
Data sheet
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
I spotted this dwarf poker in the UK years ago, where I was struck by its compact form and abundant hot-orange pokers. It is winter dormant and makes a good grassy mound of leaves when not in flower.
Old fashioned 'shasta daisy' with tall strong stems for picking, bullet proof plant that is reliably perennial and will grow almost anywhere.
Old fashioned double primrose for part sun or shade in good soil. We never have many of these regretfully
Delightful white starry variety for perennial border and cottage garden, flowering in late summer. Tall arching stems, perfect infill between salvia, helenium, lupins, roses, also useful for floral work.
Miniature alpine yarrow for cottage garden or rock garden, long flowering and not invasive, pure white flowers. Drought and frost hardy.
A delicate little species with distinctly different flowers from the usual dierama form. These are open bells like a campanula, deep pink in colour, and appear in mid to late summer.
One of the best geraniums in cultivation, this is a descendant of Geranium wallichianum. It has an exceptionally long flowering period, the blooms are are sky blue with white centres, abundant and lovely. The plant has a mounding ground covering habit, and is frost and drought hardy.
Prolific carpeting ground cover flowering in spring, along with phlox, auriculas, and pulsatilla. They look best tumbling over a wall or in a rock garden where they get good sun and drainage.
Tall old fashioned pink phlox, requires good soil and fertility to thrive. Best situated in a sheltered cottage garden with morning sun.
Rarely offered miniature for the rock garden with mounding habit. Porcelain blue bells on wiry upright stems, astounding flowers for such a dwarf plant. Will also grow well in the cottage garden or a pot if given occasional lime.
The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.
White form of Salvia leucantha. Best on open textured free draining soil, plant between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'.
Pale creamy yellow, some with peachy tinges. Separate from reds and purples to keep offspring pure. Note lupins are best cut to the ground after flowering, and allowed to dry off slightly during hot weather. Avoid heavy summer irrigation.
Tall spreading perennial for streamsides, ponds or clay soils. Pink fluffy flowers like an Astilbe, attractive foliage.