Primula auricula 'Chorister'
An old cultivar we imported from the UK with good foliage and some farina on the leaves. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.
Data sheet
An old cultivar we imported from the UK with good foliage and some farina on the leaves. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
The silvery foliage in combination with the abundant single soft pink flowers creates a lovely effect. Like a wild rose but much easier to look after and without the thorns.
Close relative of Echinacea angustifolia, also used in herbal medicine, sharing many similarities. I find it a better garden plant, more vigorous and productive in growth, and manages better in winter wet.
Single, white flowered variety, shrubby in form, large flowers and strong growth habit. Clips nicely to form a mound of foliage or low hedge.
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a dryish well-drained site or a large pot.
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
This is our cutting grown form which gets to chest high and almost a metre across, like a large lavender. Hundreds of white flowers occur on one plant making this one of our favourite and best selling varieties. The foliage is fine and scallop shaped, allowing plants to shape well into dense mounded form. Pinch out at juvenile stage to develop the best...
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.
Geranium phaeum cultivar with attractive dark markings on the leaves, we found this at Elizabeth Strangmans nursery in Kent. Deep wine purple flowers.
Red form of Pulsatilla vulgaris, requires good drainage like other varieties, best for rock garden.
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Ancient herb and attractive border perennial flowering in summer. This is the red flowered form of bergamot, easy in rich clay based soils.
Portugese form of the pink rosemary, more true pink than Majorca pink and less upright, bushier and lower growing.
Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.
Huge ornamental rhubarb from Brazil, suited to pond, bog, and streamside plantings. The leaves can be 1.5 - 2.5 m across, on stems up to 2.5 m in sheltered conditions.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.