Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud'
Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.
Data sheet
Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
A terrific compact form of artemesia popular in mediterranean gardens, similar to 'Powis Castle' in silver foliage effect but finer and less shrubby, more suitable amongst perennial plantings.
Lush leafy perennial for fertile clay soils, larger and more bushy in habit than Filipendula rubra with white flowers. Plant with gunnera, Lysimachia cletheroides and Iris siberica around ponds and water features.
Low growing sedum with cascading habit, ideal for bank or over wall. Rose pink to ruby flowers in summer.
The beautiful white form of Dierama pulcherimmum. The white bells hang from slender arching stems that move gracefully in the breeze; a lovely subject for a pond or border.
Tall lemon and lime pokers fade to ivory as the individual buds open. A pleasant and subtle colour combination that contrasts well with the dark foliage of Anthryscus "Ravens Wing".
Our own cross from this wonderful alpine which we have increased from division. Beautiful indigo shading to purple, free flowering and vigourous once established. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
An herbaceous Phlomis with large heart-shaped leaves eventually forming a large clump 1 metre across. Whorls of lemon yellow flowers on thick upright stems during summer followed by attractive seed heads. Very tough once established.
One of the best Geranium pratense crosses , flowering all through summer with lovely dark blue flowers reminiscent of Geranium himalayense. Compact shape and long-flowering.
Strong growing upright variety, taller than 'Goldsturm' with strong upright stems that will hold upright between mounding grasses and lower perennials.
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.
Drought tolerant groundcover for perennial border; associates well with sedums, santolina, euphorbia, slavias. Grey foliage attractive mounding habit with pink flowers.
One of our favourite late season rudbeckias, a tall late summer flowering variety with lemon yellow green centred flowers on strong rigid stems, ideally suited to heavier soil types.
Tough, leafy perennial, useful for ground cover in dry shade. Good between deciduous trees planted with Hellebores and Epimedium. White flower with red stems.
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.