Podophyllum pleianthum
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.
Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.
Data sheet
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Lower growing useful mid season summer flowering allium producing bunches of rich pink flowers; forms bushy clumps and flowers after the tall rosenbachianum types, prolonging the flow of alliums during the season. As with other alliums, full sun, and drained soil is ideal, suit mediterranean dry summer climate and dont require watering if planted in...
One of our favourite late season rudbeckias, a tall late summer flowering variety with lemon yellow green centred flowers on strong rigid stems, ideally suited to heavier soil types.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Profuse flowering echinops producing blue globes on long stems perfect for cut flowers or drying. In high demand for the perennial border or cottage garden, if sold out please ask, we probably have more in production!
Attractive variety from Mexico with lavender and white flowers. A long flowering variety that attracts honey eates and butterflies, requires good drainage and a frost free environment to flourish.
A terrific allium from the Hymalayas, large sphaerical flowers up to 10cm across. Grow in well drained soil that dries out well in summer, but doesnt bake. We often add some gravel to ensure the bulbs get sufficient drainage.
Double peachy pink carnation with full large flowers on medium stems. Fragrant and long lasting in the garden.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.
A handsome plant with attractive palmate foliage on straight stems, topped with 30 cm spikes of pale pink Veronica flowers. Best in a moist fertile spot.
One of the tightest rosette forming varieties with blue-grey leaves and deep crimson tips. Plant in pots or between rocks.
A pleasing break from the usual hot colours, a subtle kniphofia with two-toned pokers in peach and ivory.
Somewhat rampant if treated too well but extremely useful for colonising dry shady areas where not much else will grow. Makes an attractive weed-smothering clump of glossy foliage followed by plentiful lime-green flowers in late winter.
White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.
Spectacular tall salvia from Mexico, with long canes topped with coral pink flowers in late summer. I particularly like the large, tropical-looking felted leaves.
Upright evergreen ornamental grass, close relative to 'Karl Forester', however with cream and green linear markings on each leaf. Useful for variation of visual texture in grass plantings, attractive upright seedheads.
Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.