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Filipendula ulmaria
  • Filipendula ulmaria

Filipendula ulmaria

Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.

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Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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