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Galanthus elwesii
  • Galanthus elwesii

Galanthus elwesii

Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust  species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile soil kept slightly damp during dormancy.

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Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust  species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile soil kept slightly damp during dormancy.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
partial shade
Height range
short (0 - 20cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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