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Tall summer flowering perennial sunflower, combine with dahlias, rudbeckias and salvias.
Tall summer flowering perennial sunflower, combine with dahlias, rudbeckias and salvias.
Data sheet
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
A low growing, pure white aster that flowers well in summer, without requiring much in the way of water and staking. Best in a mixed perennial border, or between roses combined with geraniums and campanulas.
Windflowers are lovely in shaded woodland, an easy and reliable understorey beneath trees and shrubs. This is the pale pink form.
Mounding grey foliage plant resembling ballota, useful for larger coastal gardens where it forms an effective ground cover with westringea, correa, prostrate rosmary and native grasses. Can also be grown as a low hedge if planted 80cm apart.
Brilliant new variety with dark foliage ; strength and upright growth habit of 'Matrona' but the darker foliage of 'Purple Emperor' and red flowers.
Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.
Old fashioned cottage plant with intense blue flowers, easily grown but best in clay based soil.
Later season Aster laterifolius cultivar with dark foliage and pink flowers. A attractive foliage variation and mounding habit has a soft effect. Great in meadow style plantings with other perennials.
One our favourite new grasses, waist high flowers with rich green foliage, creating good mounding fill and texture within summer perennial plantings. Grows best on heavier fertile soils, and responds well to moisture in summer if available, but not overly demanding.
Improved form with wider leaf blades than the species and larger inflorescence. A beautiful plant for larger spaces.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
Variation of the usual blue forms, this one likes similar damp conditions in shade, forming a low spreading groundcover
The lovely white form of Campanula trachelium, useful beneath roses as a background to ground covers and lower perennials.
Evergreen rosette-forming penstemon with a tidy appearance and tall spikes of apricot flowers from summer to autumn.
Native to Spain, Portugal and Morocco, a spectacular tall grass with attractive seed heads in autumn. Takes a few years to achieve maturity but well worth the wait.
Tall summer flowering perennial sunflower, combine with dahlias, rudbeckias and salvias.