Erysimum 'Tangerine'
Long flowering flame orange wallflower, bird and butterfly attracting, especially during the winter months. Trim annually like with penstemons and lavender.
Japanese woodland species with climbing habit. Prefers drained peaty soil and sun protection, ideal for southern wall or trellis.
Japanese woodland species with climbing habit. Prefers drained peaty soil and sun protection, ideal for southern wall or trellis.
Data sheet
Long flowering flame orange wallflower, bird and butterfly attracting, especially during the winter months. Trim annually like with penstemons and lavender.
Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.
A wonderful variety with large white flowers like Romneya coulteri, unfortunately difficult to propagate so only a few.
Winter flowering species with apricot and green flowers, soft grey blue folage, likes clay soil types.
Superb dark foliage variety, slightly darker in colour than 'Purple Emperor' with a strong mounding habit.
Delicious plum purple colour, mass plant in autumn with iris, delphiniums and Canterbury Bells for spring flowering.
A distinctly different kniphofia producing a tall inflorescence, with sparsely spaced apricot to pale orange flowers down the stem. Beautiful when combined with Stipa gigantea.
Lovely grape hyacinth for gardens or pots, vigourously clumping and easy, early spring flowering bulbs. Clump of flowered bulbs in each pot ready to plant.
Enourmous biennial with a stout woody trunk and silvery downy foliage. Ornamental and a great feature plant. Pink flowers to 2.5 m, often takes two years to flower, needs dry conditions. Photo courtesy of Peter Worgan Mnt Teide Tenerife.
Ornamental origanum with purple flowers, most valued for floral work, and its long flowering period in the summer border. Mild flavour, can also be used in various lamb and poultry dishes.
Sculptural rosette forming succulent, attractive in a pot, border, or rock garden setting. Prefers part shade during really hot periods, otherwise drought hardy. Wild populations now endangered so please nuture these in your garden.
Lower growing useful mid season summer flowering allium producing bunches of rich pink flowers; forms bushy clumps and flowers after the tall rosenbachianum types, prolonging the flow of alliums during the season. As with other alliums, full sun, and drained soil is ideal, suit mediterranean dry summer climate and dont require watering if planted in...
Much improved form of the regular white Siberean iris, with larger flowers and a stronger growth habit. Likes moist fertile soil, border or pond margin, we imported from the UK in mid 90s.
A perennial grass with fine silvery green foliage, colouring bronze in autumn. The flowers and seedheads are an attractive fan shape. Clumping and non-invasive.
Shorter growing variety often more suited to smaller spaces and cottage gardens than taller Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'. Only knee high and combines well with sunny border foreground plantings of dianthus, geraniums and Salvia nemorosa.
The 'wood anemone' is useful as a ground cover in shade. Treat as a bulb, dry off after flowering, summer deciduous, good amongst Hosta and Helleborus. This is the traditional form with single white flowers.
Japanese woodland species with climbing habit. Prefers drained peaty soil and sun protection, ideal for southern wall or trellis.