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Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
Data sheet
Papaver Choir Boy produces beautiful white poppies with black central blotches, grow in fertile moisture retentive clay based soil and allow to dry out over late summer. Not for pots.
A bushy low growing variety with good blue flowers, ideally planted as path edgings or massed beneath roses or in grouped foreground plantings amongst other perennials. Repeat flowers well, so chop hard after first flowering to freshen up and will repeat flower 4 weeks later.
Evergreen mounding ground cover with grey foliage and white daisy flowers from spring into summer.
White lace cap variety, flatter flowers with lilac centre buds; stable colour and lovely.
Remarkable double white parma violet, sweetly perfumed and delicious. Plant as ground cover in shade under trees, combine with helleborus, anemone, dicentra, and epimedium. Similar to 'Swanley White' but as we have collected these from different sources we have listed separately.
Taller salvia for background plantings with pleasant sky blue flowers. Dislikes winter wet, preferring drainage for best cultivation.
Long flowering plant with vibrant deep red flowers during summer. Easy in meadow plantings or cottage garden.
Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.
Upright grass colouring well in autumn. Favoured by contemporary designers for winter colour and structure.
Japanese woodland species with climbing habit. Prefers drained peaty soil and sun protection, ideal for southern wall or trellis.
White flowers with a blush of orange on the outer edge. Beautiful and unusual. Autumn stock pre sold but we will have more ready after July.
A low, spreading variety for the border, rockgarden or drystone wall. Lots of thimble sized nodding white bells in mid-summer.
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred pure white flowers in spring. Aquilegias look lovely in mass plantings under trees in a woodland setting.
Dwarf "Solomon"s Seal" for the woodland garden or shady rockgarden. Spreads to form a mat.
I spotted this dwarf poker in the UK years ago, where I was struck by its compact form and abundant hot-orange pokers. It is winter dormant and makes a good grassy mound of leaves when not in flower.
Slender lower growing variety with pink tubular bells. Easily grown amongst other perennials, attractive on pond margins.
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!