Artemisia alba 'Canescens'
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.
The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.
The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.
Data sheet
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.
Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.
Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.
Attractive foliage like a Corydalis with a distinct grey-blue tinge and cream flowers in spring. Useful under trees with hellebores and hostas.
Mounding grey foliage plant resembling ballota, useful for larger coastal gardens where it forms an effective ground cover with westringea, correa, prostrate rosmary and native grasses. Can also be grown as a low hedge if planted 80cm apart.
Frost tolerant winter dormant variety with sky blue flowers in mid summer. Tall and self supporting, a good border plant for background fill-ins.
Rarely seen white form, similar cultivation as for the usual mauve form in part shade.
Medium height violet aster, prolific flowering in autumn. Easy cultivation as with other varieties
A delightful low growing clumping species with silver foliage, non invasive and evergreen foliage. Golden flowers like a smaller version of 'Gold Plate'.
Early summer flowering perennial for border and rock garden, ideal with dianthus, scleranthus and other cushion forming plants. White flowers.
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
Vigourous pink flowered strain from Barb Jennings, tall stems and more drought resistant than others we have tried.
Rare white form of the usual blue, useful for ground cover in part shade or sun. Vigorous and spreading like the blue form.
Tall summer flowering perennial sunflower, combine with dahlias, rudbeckias and salvias.
Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.
Sculptural succulent from the Canary Islands with attractive lobed foliage. Grows well in a pot on the deck in a sunny spot.