Ixia 'Turquoise'
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
Intermediate between Nepeta 'Walkers Low' and faasenii, bushy long flowering cultivar that repeat flowers well after trimming. Use as edging in cottage gardens instead of lavender. Flowers are lavender mauve in colour.
Intermediate between Nepeta 'Walkers Low' and faasenii, bushy long flowering cultivar that repeat flowers well after trimming. Use as edging in cottage gardens instead of lavender. Flowers are lavender mauve in colour.
Data sheet
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
The 'wood anemone' is useful as a ground cover in shade. Treat as a bulb, dry off after flowering, summer deciduous, good amongst Hosta and Helleborus. This is the traditional form with single white flowers.
One of the best summer perennials for the border that flowers well into dry summer periods. Deep blue flower spikes contrasting with dark stems. Frost hardy and deciduous, cut back after first flowering for a repeat flowering later in the season. Taller than other forms.
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Compact non-invasive clumping perennial with tall white flowers and grey green foliage. Like other lysimachia, these prefer fertile moisture retentive, clay based soils.
Ground cover creating a mossy bright green mounds. Useful for border edges, paths, between rocks with succulents and thyme.
Beautiful Japanese species with tall stems and large speckled pink bells. Best in the border where it can ramble freely between other perennials. Good cut flower.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
A soft ochre orange, brighter than 'Terracotta' and softer than 'Paprika'. The yarrows have so many lovely colour variations its hard to know where to stop with these!
A graceful low mounding grass from Japan, best in shade and good soil. Useful for foliage effect amongst other woodland plants. This is the green foliage form, deciduous in winter.
A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.
Miniature alpine yarrow for cottage garden or rock garden, long flowering and not invasive, pure white flowers. Drought and frost hardy.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.
White flowers with a blush of orange on the outer edge. Beautiful and unusual. Autumn stock pre sold but we will have more ready after July.
Richly coloured summer flowering achillea, begins as a deep burnt orange colour and will fade to a soft ochre.
Delightful variety from Wychwood, lovely range of foliage colour including greys, purples and pinks. Distinct from 'Matrona' and 'Purple Emperor', with lower more branched form. Looks good all year both in pots and in the ground. My favourite sedum.