Phlox maculata 'Omega'
Tall white phlox with delicious perfume, flowering in summer. Best in fertile conditions protected from afternoon sun.
Blue and indigo flowers on a bushy plant similar is size and shape to 'Megan's Magic'. Cold hardy and handsome, requires pruning every second year. Suitable for cottage garden and perennial plantings.
Blue and indigo flowers on a bushy plant similar is size and shape to 'Megan's Magic'. Cold hardy and handsome, requires pruning every second year. Suitable for cottage garden and perennial plantings.
Data sheet
Tall white phlox with delicious perfume, flowering in summer. Best in fertile conditions protected from afternoon sun.
Dark-blue flowered shrubby species with attractive dimpled leaves like Viburnum rhytidophyllum. Pinch out new tips in the first year to encourage bushy growth.
Similar in appearance, but a better all round garden plant than Geranium 'Pink Spice'; most useful as ground cover between roses and amongst taller perennials. Pewter purple grey leaves and pink flowers; vigorous like 'Mavis Simpson'. One of the best varieties.
Vigourous pink flowered strain from Barb Jennings, tall stems and more drought resistant than others we have tried.
Windflowers are lovely in shaded woodland, an easy and reliable understorey beneath trees and shrubs. This is the pale pink form.
Superb dark foliage variety, slightly darker in colour than 'Purple Emperor' with a strong mounding habit.
White flowered 'mop top' old fashioned macrophylla variety, vigorous and won't change colour with pH variation. Perfect in shade, grows best with some drainage.
A bushy plant with many branched stems topped with dark yellow black centered cone flowers. The foliage is a dark glossy green similar in appearance to heliopsis and echinaceas. Flowers from mid-summer into autumn.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
One of the tallest thalictrum with both wonderful foliage and flower display. Good in shade or part sun, prominent background plant, one of the best varieties we have grown.
An upright form with large florets and strong stems, much favoured by flower arrangers for its prolific habit. Distinctive from other varieties because of its larger than usual flowers.
A shorter more compact form of the tall officianalis equally hardy and prolific, only growing to 80cm. Purple pom poms throughout summer, a good improvement for windy locations.
A wonderful variety with large white flowers like Romneya coulteri, unfortunately difficult to propagate so only a few.
Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.
Classic white hellebore for mass planting under trees and shrubs, ensure good soil and plenty of mulch, remove old leaves in summer to promote winter growth.
Rich pink form of Phlox paniculata, lovely upright tall flower stems, variety originally distributed by Frogmore Gardens. One of the more vigorous varieties but like all paniculata types, loves fertility and good soil with plenty of summer moisture!