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Agastache 'Sweet Lili'
  • Agastache 'Sweet Lili'

Agastache 'Sweet Lili'

One of the most beautiful agastache we have trialled, raised by Lambley Nursery. Tall and profusely flowering, best sited amongst grasses and taller perennials such as helenium and veronicastrum for background effect, loves good soil and fertility and needs a good cutback after flowering.

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One of the most beautiful agastache we have trialled, raised by Lambley Nursery. Tall and profusely flowering, best sited amongst grasses and taller perennials such as helenium and veronicastrum for background effect, loves good soil and fertility and needs a good cutback after flowering.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
tall (121cm plus)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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