Dianthus 'Kestrels Red'
Semi double deep crimson red, a large flower with good colour. Grey foliage.
Vigourous form of white wind flower for shade or part sun, this is a variation with slightly narrower multiple layered petals. Drained fertile soils improve flowering performance.
Vigourous form of white wind flower for shade or part sun, this is a variation with slightly narrower multiple layered petals. Drained fertile soils improve flowering performance.
Data sheet
Semi double deep crimson red, a large flower with good colour. Grey foliage.
Mounding variety with reddish purple foliage, and white flowers. In fill plant for woodland with epimedium, myosotidium and Primula beesiana.
White lace cap variety, flatter flowers with lilac centre buds; stable colour and lovely.
Beautiful red tinged grass, otherwise known as Japanese Blood Grass. Foliage becomes progressively redder as the season advances, this is a slow growing moisture loving variety that grows best in pots or in fertile soil in a sheltered environment, and is relativley slow growing. Will spread to form a clump over time.
Improved form with wider leaf blades than the species and larger inflorescence. A beautiful plant for larger spaces.
A good multiplier with a understated greenish bronze colour, nice and subtle.
A low, spreading variety for the border, rockgarden or drystone wall. Lots of thimble sized nodding white bells in mid-summer.
Pom-pom 'Nora Barlow' type, beginning green in bud then opening to white tight double flowers. Lovely amongst other Aquilegia varieties.
Creeping perennial, native to woodland in central and western Europe. Lovely single upward facing white flowers, forms large patches in time. Easy in the garden, lower growing than the tall 'Windflower' varieties.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
Beautiful variation of the species from Crete, originally from Marcus Harvey. Winter flowering, and a great compact structure plant in rock gardens amongst dwarf bulbs and cyclamen. Low mounding shape with grassy foliage , cold and drought hardy, long lived and only 25cm high. Overall great plant.
Campanula punctata type with semi double flowers, tall panicles, elegant and lovely. Spreading habit, frost and drought hardy.
Red form of Pulsatilla vulgaris, requires good drainage like other varieties, best for rock garden.
Grey foliage mat forming ground cover, with tiny yellow button flowers in summer. Best in open sunny situation.
Seldom offered perennial variety with lovely soft lilac bells, clumping and non-invasive. Grow between lupins, roses and salvias in the cottage garden or perennial border.
Vigourous form of white wind flower for shade or part sun, this is a variation with slightly narrower multiple layered petals. Drained fertile soils improve flowering performance.