Plectranthus ciliatus
Superb purple foliage plant for warmer areas. Combine with heleniums, echinaceas and rudbeckias.
Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils, drought tolerant and hardy in light frost.
Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils, drought tolerant and hardy in light frost.
Data sheet
Superb purple foliage plant for warmer areas. Combine with heleniums, echinaceas and rudbeckias.
Itoh type paeonia resulting from crossing herbaceous and shrubby species, beautiful foliage and huge ruffled soft lemon flowers like a old fashioned rose. Need good drainage and fertile soil, long lived plant.
Spreading ground covering deciduous perennial for shade, with leaves like a small epimedium, soft yellow flower. Combine with dicentras, hellebores and pachyphragmas. Drought tolerant once established.
A wonderful texture plant for the border, with literally hundreds of dark purple pompoms on tall stems in late summer. Not fussy, and flowers over a long period.
Stunning double flowered paeonia requiring rich well drained soil in full sun, young plants often takes a year or two to establish but eventually form large clumps; we recommend removing first flowers to hasten establishment.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
Lemon thyme, great for savoury meat dishes and marinades, also a long flowering ornamental garden plant. Larger than most ground-covering types, it forms a 30 cm mound and flowers well in summer even in dry conditions. Ideal for mass planting amongst stones with paeonies and crocus. Pink flowers.
Seedlings from our best slate flowered plants, bred from Ashwood and Phedar plants. The majority of these will come true to parent.
Native to the Caucuses, Iran, and widespread in mountainous areas around the Balkan peninsula. A lovely, nodding, soft blue variety with short spurs, easy amongst perennials in woodland or part shade.
A very attractive Euphorbia with vivid orange flowers contrasting the deep green foliage. Best on fertile open soil with some room.
Outstanding grey foliage plant for rock garden, border, or mass planting. Contrasts well with colourful foliage like berberis and cotinus, or in combination with Salvia nemorosa varieties. Yellow button flowers through summer, trim off if not your colour scheme!
Pure white flowers over fresh green fern-like foliage in spring. Useful beneath trees in semi-shade.
A wonderful variety with large white flowers like Romneya coulteri, unfortunately difficult to propagate so only a few.
Wonderful summer flowering perennial from central Europe from Afghanistan to Tibet. Lavender blue flowers during the summer, popular in eastern herbal medicine.
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred pure white flowers in spring. Aquilegias look lovely in mass plantings under trees in a woodland setting.
A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds.
Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils, drought tolerant and hardy in light frost.