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Calandrinia spectabilis

Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils, drought tolerant and hardy in light frost.

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Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils, drought tolerant and hardy in light frost.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Lupinus 'Moonshine'

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Digitalis parviflora

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Dietes grandiflora

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