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Stachys 'Silky Fleece'
  • Stachys 'Silky Fleece'

Stachys 'Silky Fleece'

The lowest growing of all the lambs ears, and a brilliant long lasting drought tolerant groundcover forming mats of velvety foliage maximum only 10cm tall. We use this extensively for edging borders and paths,and find it combines well with armeria, thymes, origanum rotundifolium, and dwarf bulbs.

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The lowest growing of all the lambs ears, and a brilliant long lasting drought tolerant groundcover forming mats of velvety foliage maximum only 10cm tall. We use this extensively for edging borders and paths,and find it combines well with armeria, thymes, origanum rotundifolium, and dwarf bulbs.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
short (0 - 20cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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