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Cotula pyrethrifolia
Grey foliage mat forming ground cover, with tiny yellow button flowers in summer. Best in open sunny situation.
Himalayan species, with attractive pink stems & foliage. The lime green flowers form an interesting contrast.
Himalayan species, with attractive pink stems & foliage. The lime green flowers form an interesting contrast.
Data sheet
Grey foliage mat forming ground cover, with tiny yellow button flowers in summer. Best in open sunny situation.
One of our favourite new sedums with deep maroon and grape purple foliage. Similar in size and as easy as "Autumn Joy". Flowers start deep pink and turn terracotta, followed by wonderful seed heads in autumn.
A mound-forming sub alpine species with sweetly fragrant soft pink flowers. Useful amongst gravel and stones, petite compact form.
Native to the Caucuses, Iran, and widespread in mountainous areas around the Balkan peninsula. A lovely, nodding, soft blue variety with short spurs, easy amongst perennials in woodland or part shade.
Vigorous form with pale flowers and larger leaves than other varieties. Vertical upright growth, suitable for specimen or hedging.
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.
The lovely and hardy winter flowering iris from Greece with lavender flowers during winter. Survives well in dry summer areas.
Prolific and long flowering variety from Chiapas province Mexico, with glossy elliptical leaves and dozens of magenta pink flowers. A tidy attractive plant that will repeat flower if trimmed occasionally. Best in the cottage garden amongst other perennials or roses.
Native to Mexico where it is now extinct in the wild. Otherwise known as chocolate cosmos, the flowers have a scent like chocolate. Best in fertile, well drained soil in a perennial border.
A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a dryish well-drained site or a large pot.
Superb purple foliage plant for warmer areas. Combine with heleniums, echinaceas and rudbeckias.
Perennial grass from USA, an attractive textural variant for grass plantings. Can be invasive in sandy soils but no problem in our heavy clay.
Mounding variety with reddish purple foliage, and white flowers. In fill plant for woodland with epimedium, myosotidium and Primula beesiana.
Ground covering alpine plant for rock garden or above a dry-stone wall. Rich pink flowers completely cover the entire plant so foliage is obscured, protect from excessive winter wet.
An upright form with large florets and strong stems, much favoured by flower arrangers for its prolific habit. Distinctive from other varieties because of its larger than usual flowers.