Primula auricula x 'Alice Haysom'
We have grown seedlings of Alice Haysom, from which we have selected the best plants and increased from division. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
A branching form of Russells lupin with white and cream flowers. Provide good drainage and dry off in summer, looks wonderful with white roses.
A compact form of Russells lupin with white and cream flowers. Flowers in first year, this is a stable strain that looks wonderful with white roses.
Data sheet
We have grown seedlings of Alice Haysom, from which we have selected the best plants and increased from division. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
Beautiful semi deciduous shrub with attractive textured multicoloured leaves and white flowers, likes good drainage and shade or dappled sun. Can often retain its leaves but benefits from an occasional light prune to promote basal growth.
'Russian Sage'; attractive blue flowers over grey foliage in mid summer onwards. An extremely drought hardy and frost hardy plant that likes well drained soil. Good for hedging and cottage garden with Lavandula 'Hidecote', Iris and blue geraniums.
Vigorous drought tolerant yarrow for cottage garden or herb border. Flowers begin white, then fade to soft ivory.
Dome-shaped low-growing Euphorbia for the rockgarden or border. Dozens of lime-green flowers in spring.
Attractive dark stemmed form of Hydrangea macrophylla, flowers can vary from blue in acid soil or pink in alkaline. Old fashioned mop top flowers, good for floral work.
A vigorous semi double windflower for part or full shade, spreads well in mass planting or individually in shady garden corners or under deciduous shrubs. Flowers late summer.
One of the best variegated cultivars with bright green leaves and white margins. A fine architectural plant with Dicentra and shade loving geraniums.
Intermediate between Nepeta 'Walkers Low' and faasenii, bushy long flowering cultivar that repeat flowers well after trimming. Use as edging in cottage gardens instead of lavender. Flowers are lavender mauve in colour.
An interesting variety that begins white with a blue eye, then fades to a soft pink as the flowers age. As with other asters, strong and reliably flowering late summer. Upright bushy non collapsing habit.
This is the rarely offered white form, lovely cut flower and cottage garden perennial. To grow effectively, avoid winter wet as much as possible and grow in a raised bed or well drained soil.
One of the most beautiful agastache we have trialled, raised by Lambley Nursery. Tall and profusely flowering, best sited amongst grasses and taller perennials such as helenium and veronicastrum for background effect, loves good soil and fertility and needs a good cutback after flowering.
Tall Phlox paniculata type, soft pink flowering in summer, best on fertile moisture retentive soil with astrantia, delphiniums and herbaceous perennials.
White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.
Long flowering flame orange wallflower, bird and butterfly attracting, especially during the winter months. Trim annually like with penstemons and lavender.
Sculptural succulent from the Canary Islands with attractive lobed foliage. Grows well in a pot on the deck in a sunny spot.
A branching form of Russells lupin with white and cream flowers. Provide good drainage and dry off in summer, looks wonderful with white roses.