Dianthus 'Clove Pink'
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.
A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.
Data sheet
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
Old fashioned perennial flowering in summer, with cobalt blue spikes and ground covering habit. Easy amongst geraniums, Dianthus, and helianthemums.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
Early summer flowering resembling a blue aster, but flowering for much longer period and all round more contained and well behaved. Likes fertile drained soil
This is our cutting grown form which gets to chest high and almost a metre across, like a large lavender. Hundreds of white flowers occur on one plant making this one of our favourite and best selling varieties. The foliage is fine and scallop shaped, allowing plants to shape well into dense mounded form. Pinch out at juvenile stage to develop the best...
Evergreen mounding ground cover with grey foliage and white daisy flowers from spring into summer.
Sculptural succulent from the Canary Islands with attractive lobed foliage. Grows well in a pot on the deck in a sunny spot.
Ground covering alpine plant for rock garden or above a dry-stone wall. Rich pink flowers completely cover the entire plant so foliage is obscured, protect from excessive winter wet.
Cultivated form of glomerata with especially rigid upright flower stems and clusters of divine purple flowers. Useful for cutting and clumps well between roses and in the herbaceous border.
This is the rarely offered white form, lovely cut flower and cottage garden perennial. To grow effectively, avoid winter wet as much as possible and grow in a raised bed or well drained soil.
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
Shade loving plant with interesting mottled foliage and pink spotted flowers. Multiplies easily in part shade on moist leafy soil, associates well with hostas and epimediums.
The lovely and hardy winter flowering iris from Greece with lavender flowers during winter. Survives well in dry summer areas.
Soft grey foliage spreading ground cover for most soils and dry conditions. Will fill nicely amongst verbascum, geraniums and carpet under roses.
Attractive variety from Mexico with lavender and white flowers. A long flowering variety that attracts honey eates and butterflies, requires good drainage and a frost free environment to flourish.
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.