Echinacea 'Magnus'
Improved strain of Echinacea purpurea with large flowers without the usual drooping petals. Not bred by us but still worth having!
A beautiful variety with silver and reddish flower heads that stand well above the foliage and last into winter. Like other varieties, cut down to ground level in winter every few years.
A beautiful variety with silver and reddish flower heads that stand well above the foliage and last into winter. Like other varieties, cut down to ground level in winter every few years.
Data sheet
Improved strain of Echinacea purpurea with large flowers without the usual drooping petals. Not bred by us but still worth having!
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a cool well-drained site or a large pot in a sheltered spot.
Semi double almost black from our own breeding, vigorous and strong grower compared to others. Gravelly soil and full sun with some lime.
I love helianthemums for their abundant flowering, and superb ground covering abilities in poor growing conditions. We found this as a chance seedling and thought it was worth naming and propagating.
Lemon thyme, great for savoury meat dishes and marinades, also a long flowering ornamental garden plant. Larger than most ground-covering types, it forms a 30 cm mound and flowers well in summer even in dry conditions. Ideal for mass planting amongst stones with paeonies and crocus. Pink flowers.
Dome-shaped low-growing Euphorbia for the rockgarden or border. Dozens of lime-green flowers in spring.
A mix of our lupin colour range, from white to reds, pinks, blues and purples.
Very pretty pale pink variety, mounding habit a bit over knee high for sunny position on drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep compact.60
Tall summer flowering perennial sunflower, combine with dahlias, rudbeckias and salvias.
Tough, leafy perennial, useful for ground cover in dry shade. Good between deciduous trees planted with Hellebores and Epimedium. White flower with red stems.
A graceful low mounding grass from Japan, best in shade and good soil. Useful for foliage effect amongst other woodland plants. This is the green foliage form, deciduous in winter.
Old fashioned 'shasta daisy' with tall strong stems for picking, bullet proof plant that is reliably perennial and will grow almost anywhere.
Sky blue hydrangea, lighter in bud. In neutral or alkaline soil it tends to be light pink. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.
Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.
My favourite new salvia for border, rose-garden or mass planting. White flowers enveloped by a royal purple calyx on a vigourous plant that"s not too big, but not too small. Grows well in large containers providing you remember to water.
Sweetly fragrant variety with pink feathered flowers and silver cushion forming foliage.
A beautiful variety with silver and reddish flower heads that stand well above the foliage and last into winter. Like other varieties, cut down to ground level in winter every few years.