Dicentra 'Silver Smith'
Attractive foliage like a Corydalis with a distinct grey-blue tinge and cream flowers in spring. Useful under trees with hellebores and hostas.
A tall perennial clumping grass for the sunny border. As the season progresses, the new growth develops an attractive zebra stripe across its length. Cut back to ground level in winter every 2 - 3 years.
A tall perennial clumping grass for the sunny border. As the season progresses, the new growth develops an attractive zebra stripe across its length. Cut back to ground level in winter every 2 - 3 years.
Data sheet
Attractive foliage like a Corydalis with a distinct grey-blue tinge and cream flowers in spring. Useful under trees with hellebores and hostas.
Medium height with stongly vertical stems of rich pink flowers in summer, easy plant for the cottage garden.
Frost tolerant winter dormant variety with sky blue flowers in mid summer. Tall and self supporting, a good border plant for background fill-ins.
The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.
Tall perennial with deep indigo blue flowers in autumn, loosely resembling a Delphinium in form. Useful because of its tolerance to clay soils and later flowering.
Begins salmon pink then transitions to soft ochre as the flowers age, lovely amongst roses and salvias. Like all yarrows, cut down after flowering to renew.
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Drought tolerant groundcover for perennial border; associates well with sedums, santolina, euphorbia, slavias. Grey foliage attractive mounding habit with pink flowers.
A pretty species which grows well in the garden. Reddish pink flared bells on 140 cm stems, native to the eastern Drakensberg region, where it is said to cover complete hillsides.
A pretty and long flowered plant for a damp soil in a sheltered position forms a nice clump. Grows well amongst other perennials or under roses.
Slender lower growing variety with pink tubular bells. Easily grown amongst other perennials, attractive on pond margins.
White form of Salvia leucantha. Best on open textured free draining soil, plant between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'.
Division grown cultivar with better autumn colour than the species, bad name for a good plant. Vertical foliage to waist high and attractive flower heads in late summer.
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
Perennial wallflower, winter flowering, forms a small shrub. Attracts birds and butterflies, fragrant.
A tall perennial clumping grass for the sunny border. As the season progresses, the new growth develops an attractive zebra stripe across its length. Cut back to ground level in winter every 2 - 3 years.