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Useful and prolific evergreen ground cover, flowering in winter and spring. Clear blue flowers, useful as mass plantings.
Useful and prolific evergreen ground cover, flowering in winter and spring. Clear blue flowers, useful as mass plantings.
Data sheet
Frost tolerant winter dormant variety with sky blue flowers in mid summer. Tall and self supporting, a good border plant for background fill-ins.
Terrific long flowering agastache, distinct from Blue Boa with narrower conical flowers and more blue in colour. Prefers open drainage and good soil, as per other agastache.
Attractive multicoloured variety, which starts off as lime green and cream then ages to pink or pale blue depending on soil pH. Morning sun only, best in part shade with good drainage.
Sculptural plant with large fleshy leaves from central Mexico. Great container and rock garden plant for sunny dry conditions, combine with other succulents and grasses.
We have grown seedlings of Alice Haysom, from which we have selected the best plants and increased from division. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
White flowered violet suitable for ground cover in shade, spreads well and low maintenance.
The lovely white form of Campanula trachelium, useful beneath roses as a background to ground covers and lower perennials.
Tall growing ornamental grass, with attractive dark green foliage and feathery seedheads in summer.
Spreading ground covering deciduous perennial for shade, with leaves like a small epimedium, soft yellow flower. Combine with dicentras, hellebores and pachyphragmas. Drought tolerant once established.
Strong landscaping variety with bushy growth ideal for mass planting or hedges. Blue flowers in summer and drought tolerant once established.
A lower compact form that is brilliant for massed foreground plantings at 40cm high. These cheerful flowers combine well with other summer flowering perennials like echinacea, sedums, salvias, and perennial grasses. Ideal in coastal and Mediterranean climates.
A nice variation of Campanula latiloba with lilac flowers and upright flower spikes, showy but can be very spreading.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
One of the few primrose-coloured salvias, medium height and prefers part shade. Combines well with perennials in the summer border or between roses.
Silvery succulent, ideal in dry and exposed conditions including coastal situations. Flowers are coral pink during winter and the bushy form of this variety associates well with Stipa gigantea, aeoniums, fascicularia, and sedums.
Low growing bedding and border plant with blue flowers, lasts well in a vase and keeps producing if deadheaded.
Useful and prolific evergreen ground cover, flowering in winter and spring. Clear blue flowers, useful as mass plantings.