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Penstemon 'Port Wine'
  • Penstemon 'Port Wine'

Penstemon 'Port Wine'

Sumptuous rich colour, medium shrubby plant, one of the best.

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Sumptuous rich colour, medium shrubby plant, one of the best.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
large (81 - 120cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Price $9.50
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Salvia 'Anthony Parker'

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Origanum rotundifolium

Special unusual mounding variety from mountains of Turkey and Armenia, for the rock garden or border. Likes it rocky but fertile and ensure drained not acid soil and plenty of grit, very cold tolerant and tough once established. Flowers start green then age pink with onset of cold nights.

Price $9.50

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