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Salvia gesneraefolia 'Tequila'
  • Salvia gesneraefolia 'Tequila'

Salvia gesneraefolia 'Tequila'

A splendid shrubby variety that will attain a height of 5 ft if given the space. The flowers are deep red with a contrasting black calyx, which is a striking effect when viewed from a distance. Trim back in early summer before flowering if you have limited space or prefer a more compact plant.
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A splendid shrubby variety that will attain a height of 5 ft if given the space. The flowers are deep red with a contrasting black calyx, which is a striking effect when viewed from a distance. Trim back in early summer before flowering if you have limited space or prefer a more compact plant.
Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
tall (121cm plus)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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