Achillea 'Terracotta'
Useful to create blocks of colour during summer, when many spring flowers have finished blooming. A useful cut flower, the soft colour tones of yarrow are most welcome in mixed bunch combinations.
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
Data sheet
Useful to create blocks of colour during summer, when many spring flowers have finished blooming. A useful cut flower, the soft colour tones of yarrow are most welcome in mixed bunch combinations.
Perfectly white flowers, with all the good aspects of the other Salvia nemorosa varieties. Very frost tolerant, ideal bedding plant, will repeat flower in fertile soil.
A handsome plant with attractive palmate foliage on straight stems, topped with 30 cm spikes of pale pink Veronica flowers. Best in a moist fertile spot.
Light blue form with larger flowers than the wild variety. Easy to grow and lovely in spring.
A lower compact form that is brilliant for massed foreground plantings at 40cm high. These cheerful flowers combine well with other summer flowering perennials like echinacea, sedums, salvias, and perennial grasses. Ideal in coastal and Mediterranean climates.
Medium hydrangea with large heads of blue lacecaps. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.
Dark-blue flowered shrubby species with attractive dimpled leaves like Viburnum rhytidophyllum. Pinch out new tips in the first year to encourage bushy growth.
A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.
Ornamental bronze tinged foliage plant for pond margins and clay soils; associates well with gunnera, filipendula, and Iris. Best in part shade, native to China and Japan.
A beautiful variety for mediterranean themed gardens and one of our favourite matt forming perennials. The silver foliage is evergreen and creates a good low ground cover for edges and foreground plantings. Added to its attractive appearance, easy cultivation and a long flowering period makes it a great plant for Australian gardens.
Large fleshy leafed variety with orange bells during winter. Easy in coastal gardens, good in pots and perennial plantings; a useful texture plant to combine with other succulents. Keep dry in winter.
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
Strawberry coloured blooms with for a sheltered morning sun position or shade, a beautiful variety that doesnt self seed as much as the usual types.
A superb variety, flowering long into autumn with rich indigo flowers. Tip prune young plants to encourage bushy form before flowering. Ideal with roses and in cottage gardens.
Terrific tall variety, white flowering. Basal foliage produces dozens of 2m flower spikes, superb summer flowering background, plant in heavier fertile soil, shorter in less ideal conditions.