Angelica sylvestris 'Purpurea'
Tall, decorative late summer flowering purple biennial, introduced to us by Karen Hall. Treat like Angelica gigas, often takes three years to flower then self seeds.
One of our favourite new sedums with deep maroon and grape purple foliage. Similar in size and as easy as "Autumn Joy". Flowers start deep pink and turn terracotta, followed by wonderful seed heads in autumn.
One of our favourite new sedums with deep maroon and grape purple foliage. Similar in size and as easy as "Autumn Joy". Flowers start deep pink and turn terracotta, followed by wonderful seed heads in autumn.
Data sheet
Tall, decorative late summer flowering purple biennial, introduced to us by Karen Hall. Treat like Angelica gigas, often takes three years to flower then self seeds.
A mixture from our own collection. Includes doubles and a range of colours. Great plants for the rock-garden or in a large pot. Likes drainage.
Purple foliage plant with white flowers, for clay soils or wet areas, much loved by flower arrangers. Creates good foliage infill where needed.
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
Lovely white form, drought tolerant plant with tall stems of white butterfly like flowers above low foliage
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
Pretty variety that begins soft yellow then fades as the flowers age. Prolific flowering during winter, liking drained soils and drying out a little in summer. Cut back fairly hard early summer to around 2/3 to half height to keep compact. Looks terrific in mass plantings like all the wallflowers.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
Low growing sedum with cascading habit, ideal for bank or over wall. Rose pink to ruby flowers in summer.
Tall member of the Umbelliferae family with ornamental dark foliage and contrasting white flowers like 'Queen Annes lace'. Easy cottage garden perennial for soil with some moisture retention.
One of my favourite salvias, which always looks great in the autumn. The flowers are lime-green and in exhuberant clusters like something tropical. Responds well to good soil.
Evergreen mounding ground cover with grey foliage and white daisy flowers from spring into summer.
Slender lower growing variety with pink tubular bells. Easily grown amongst other perennials, attractive on pond margins.
White form of the blue 'speedwell', just as easy as the blue form. Both varieties are semi deciduous and respond well to cutting back.