Achillea 'Cloth of Gold'
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
White flowered violet suitable for ground cover in shade, spreads well and low maintenance.
White flowered violet suitable for ground cover in shade, spreads well and low maintenance.
Data sheet
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
Tall perennial suitable for clay soil types, winter deciduous and frost resistant. Light blue flowers in summer on tall stems, clumping and easy.
Old fashioned cottage garden perennial, robust form with upright flower stems, rich cobalt blue.
A mix of our lupin colour range, from white to reds, pinks, blues and purples.
Spectacular tall salvia from Mexico, with long canes topped with coral pink flowers in late summer. I particularly like the large, tropical-looking felted leaves.
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
We introduced this in 1996 from the UK, a lovely deep rich pink colour with single flowers on tall stems.
Beautiful silver variegated form of the "Solomons Seal", each leaf lined with a white line around its outer edge. Easy to grow in shade under trees and shrubs.
Native to the Pyrenees, a good blue variety forming a rounded mound of foliage and flowers in mid-summer. Combines well with Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' and sedums. Ensure planting in ground: not good in pots.
Tasmanian native flag iris, useful in combination with grasses and perennials. Lovely and abundant white flowers in spring, evergreen leaves and drought hardy.
A terrific Dahlia with massive blooms and a subtle faded soft pink colour like old roses. Only a few in stock.
Soft primrose yellow yarrow, good for floral work and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, perennial. Also referred to in herbal medicine, said to aid in the relief of colds and chest complaints.
We were delighted with this very soft pink variation, in the colour range of Cyclamen libanoticum. Equally as tough as other varieties.
The best white persicaria we have tried, as with Taurus and others, these will flower in summer but good much and soil fertility will ensure their best performance. Waist high or fraction higher in moister conditions, basal foliage with drifts of vertical white spikes. We like to plant these in clumped groups of 5 or 9 at 25cm spacings for best effect.
Itoh type paeonia resulting from crossing herbaceous and shrubby species, beautiful foliage and huge ruffled soft lemon flowers like a old fashioned rose. Need good drainage and fertile soil, long lived plant.
White flowered violet suitable for ground cover in shade, spreads well and low maintenance.