Calamagrostis 'Overdam'
Upright evergreen ornamental grass, close relative to 'Karl Forester', however with cream and green linear markings on each leaf. Useful for variation of visual texture in grass plantings, attractive upright seedheads.
The usual form is silver but this variety has purple tinted leaves. Great in a large pot or tub, alternatively in the rock garden or border. Prefers well drained soil.
The usual form is silver but this variety has purple tinted leaves. Great in a large pot or tub, alternatively in the rock garden or border. Prefers well drained soil.
Data sheet
Upright evergreen ornamental grass, close relative to 'Karl Forester', however with cream and green linear markings on each leaf. Useful for variation of visual texture in grass plantings, attractive upright seedheads.
A wonderful Geum kept in circulation by Dennis Norgate; vibrant tangerine orange, repeat flowers throughout the year and non seeding.
A tall cultivar flowering later than the species with pale blue semi-double flowers.
Lush leafy perennial for fertile clay soils, larger and more bushy in habit than Filipendula rubra with white flowers. Plant with gunnera, Lysimachia cletheroides and Iris siberica around ponds and water features.
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best double purple plants. Strain includes 'Dido' and 'Betty Ranicar'.
Tall white phlox with delicious perfume, flowering in summer. Best in fertile conditions protected from afternoon sun.
Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.
Waist high aster with large dark green leaves and late season blue/mauve daisies, a strong plant and easy amongst grasses or other perennials.
Miniature alpine yarrow for cottage garden or rock garden, long flowering and not invasive, pure white flowers. Drought and frost hardy.
Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.
The old fashioned fragrant yellow primrose. A delight on a warm spring evening when the delicate perfume wafts around the garden.
Garden cross between Helleborus sternii and H. niger, these are division grown plants from our collection. Few only.
Cushion-forming plant from Chile for the rockgarden or trough. Great around stones, spreads horizontally to form a tight mat.
Seed grown plants from our white flowered form, with dark purple leaves. All plants have purple leaves, with a variation from cream to light blue flowers.
Winter flowering species with apricot and green flowers, soft grey blue folage, likes clay soil types.
Mound forming succulent for sunny dry areas, pots or rock garden; best if kept dry. Attractive leaves in rosettes.
The usual form is silver but this variety has purple tinted leaves. Great in a large pot or tub, alternatively in the rock garden or border. Prefers well drained soil.