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One of the best summer perennials for the border that flowers well into dry summer periods. Deep blue flower spikes contrasting with dark stems. Frost hardy and deciduous, cut back after first flowering for a repeat flowering later in the season. Taller than other forms.
One of the best summer perennials for the border that flowers well into dry summer periods. Deep blue flower spikes contrasting with dark stems. Frost hardy and deciduous, cut back after first flowering for a repeat flowering later in the season. Taller than other forms.
Data sheet
A recent introduction by us is this sedum from my mothers garden, with white flowers, which is an unusual colour in the world of sedums! As with other sedums, easy to grow in full sun position in most soil types. Rarely but occasionally these can produce a pale pink sport, which should be removed with a sharp knife at the crown at the time of flowering.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
A striking prolific and bushy medium height variety that flowers late summer, both foliage and flowers are darker colours that combine well with autumn golds and ochres.
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred coral red flowers with white centres.
Bergenia are very tough evergreen perennials useful for ground cover in shade with hellebores, pachysandra, and epimedium. This is a compact variety with soft pink flowers and good foliage colour during winter.
A terrific low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful burnt orange flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.
Native to the Pyrenees, a good blue variety forming a rounded mound of foliage and flowers in mid-summer. Combines well with Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' and sedums. Ensure planting in ground: not good in pots.
Classic white hellebore for mass planting under trees and shrubs, ensure good soil and plenty of mulch, remove old leaves in summer to promote winter growth.
A beautiful Allium x rosenbachianum cultivar with tall stems topped with purple spherical flowers, requires good drainage in sun and to dry off in summer
A pretty species which grows well in the garden. Reddish pink flared bells on 140 cm stems, native to the eastern Drakensberg region, where it is said to cover complete hillsides.
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.
Frost tolerant winter dormant variety with sky blue flowers in mid summer. Tall and self supporting, a good border plant for background fill-ins.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
Otherwise known as Greek oregano; a long flowering border perennial and a good crossover plant between ornamental and culinary usage. White flowers in summer.
One of the best summer perennials for the border that flowers well into dry summer periods. Deep blue flower spikes contrasting with dark stems. Frost hardy and deciduous, cut back after first flowering for a repeat flowering later in the season. Taller than other forms.