Hosta 'Blue Arrow'
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.
The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.
Data sheet
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
A delightful low growing clumping species with silver foliage, non invasive and evergreen foliage. Golden flowers like a smaller version of 'Gold Plate'.
Old fashioned double primrose for part sun or shade in good soil. We never have many of these regretfully
Lower growing useful mid season summer flowering allium producing bunches of rich pink flowers; forms bushy clumps and flowers after the tall rosenbachianum types, prolonging the flow of alliums during the season. As with other alliums, full sun, and drained soil is ideal, suit mediterranean dry summer climate and dont require watering if planted in...
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
A graceful long flowering variety with white centre and light blue petals. Long spurs and more outward facing flower than 'Magpie'.
Himalayan species, with attractive pink stems & foliage. The lime green flowers form an interesting contrast.
Drought tolerant groundcover for perennial border; associates well with sedums, santolina, euphorbia, slavias. Grey foliage attractive mounding habit with pink flowers.
Tall Phlox paniculata type, soft pink flowering in summer, best on fertile moisture retentive soil with astrantia, delphiniums and herbaceous perennials.
Our own cross from this wonderful alpine which we have increased from division. Beautiful indigo shading to purple, free flowering and vigourous once established. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
Useful low mounding variety for a mediterranean planting style or gravel garden, combining well with erysimum, euphorbia, perovskia and lavender. Trim after flowering.
Pom-pom 'Nora Barlow' type, beginning green in bud then opening to white tight double flowers. Lovely amongst other Aquilegia varieties.
Old fashioned blue campanula with tall stems forming a nice clump in time. Ideal between roses and a good cut flower.
Can often be bicoloured, usually blue and purple depending on soil pH pink if alkaline. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.