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Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
Data sheet
A soft ochre orange, brighter than 'Terracotta' and softer than 'Paprika'. The yarrows have so many lovely colour variations its hard to know where to stop with these!
A terrific Dahlia with massive blooms and a subtle faded soft pink colour like old roses. Only a few in stock.
Easily grown in sun or part shade, the "Lady"s Mantle" is a lovely old fashioned plant for between roses, or for the herbaceous border. Cut back lightly after flowering to promote new foliage.
Double white form, sweetly fragrant and lovely. Easy and clumping like other forms, best used in shade as ground cover.
Large salmon-pink flowers with blackish-purple spotting. A vigorous free flowering variety which complements roses and paeonies.
The best red cultivar with a hint of black spotting in the centre of the flower. Tall erect flower stems. Avoid growing oriental poppies in pots, plant in ground directly.
A useful tough cascading groundcover for dry banks and difficult areas once its established. Stays low and has a long flowering period
Improved strain from Germany with multiple stems and darker blue flowers than the species. Good for cutting and drying.
A nice addition to the summer flowering pallette, this persicaria has a softer colour than 'Taurus' with similar good qualities of long flowering and good foliage and infill. Best on heavier fertile soils.
Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.
One of the first plants I grew from cutting; quick growing and floriferous in a short space of time. In summer it requires complete cutting to the ground like an oriental poppy, and will resprout in autumn when there is sufficient moisture. Easy and quick to fill in spaces; pink flowers.
Old fashioned white 'cup and saucer' type, easy and clumping like other persicifolia types; only few in stock.
Paniculata type with white flowers and pink eye, fragrant and grows well with plenty of summer water and nutrients. Not for low maintenance gardens!
Effective ground covering plant with blue flowers and glossy foliage. Combine with alchemillas, epimediums, hellebores and pachysandra.
Moisture fertile clay soil loving perennial, combining well with upright spikey varieties like veronicastrum, lysimachia etc.
A pretty, low growing rivale type, suitable for the the cottage garden, foreground beds or path edging. Long flowering, best in heavier fertile soils.
Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.