Erysimum 'Peach'
Perennial wallflower, winter flowering, forms a small shrub. Attracts birds and butterflies, fragrant.
Pure white Astilbe, a lovely contrasting variety when planted in combination with Astilbe 'Fanal'. Fresh green foliage and white spikes in early summer.
Pure white Astilbe, a lovely contrasting variety when planted in combination with Astilbe 'Fanal'. Fresh green foliage and white spikes in early summer.
Data sheet
Perennial wallflower, winter flowering, forms a small shrub. Attracts birds and butterflies, fragrant.
Close relative to Salvia nemorosa with wider leaves and violet purple flowers. Clumping plant, best cut down to refresh over winter, long flowering and suits mass planting.
Old fashioned shade-loving primrose with burgundy gold edged flowers. Choice and lovely.
Prolific low mounding erigeron with long flowering habit, useful for many planting applications. Looks great as a path edging or border mass planting or fill under roses, and needs minimal care or water.
A beautiful Allium x rosenbachianum cultivar with tall stems topped with purple spherical flowers, requires good drainage in sun and to dry off in summer
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best dark flowered plants from imported stock.
We were delighted with this very soft pink variation, in the colour range of Cyclamen libanoticum. Equally as tough as other varieties.
A great bulb from South Africa producing hot red blooms in summer. Great with heleniums, salvias, etc.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
Long flowering agastache great for attracting butterflies into the garden. Summer flowering and one of the better agastache we have trialled, fertile loamy soil best, and will tolerate some clay if worked and mulched. We find these will only tolerate light occasional frost.
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
Cross between a strawberry and potentilla, this plant provides edible fruit and attractive pink flowers. use as ground-cover, cottage garden in-fill, mass planting or in tubs.
A good plant for medium to heavy soils, flowering in summer with sedums, echinacea, rudbeckia and heleniums; fills nicely in the perennial border and amongst ornamental grasses
Richly coloured summer flowering achillea, begins as a deep burnt orange colour and will fade to a soft ochre.
Slightly lower growing variation on 'Moerheim Beauty' with bushy compact shape. Summer flowering for perennial border or cottage garden.
Pure white Astilbe, a lovely contrasting variety when planted in combination with Astilbe 'Fanal'. Fresh green foliage and white spikes in early summer.