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Hand pollinated seedlings from our best double purple plants. Strain includes 'Dido' and 'Betty Ranicar'.
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best double purple plants. Strain includes 'Dido' and 'Betty Ranicar'.
Data sheet
Mounding variety with reddish purple foliage, and white flowers. In fill plant for woodland with epimedium, myosotidium and Primula beesiana.
Medium height with stongly vertical stems of rich pink flowers in summer, easy plant for the cottage garden.
Brightly coloured old fashioned cushion plant for border and rock garden, often known as 'thrift'. Often associated with coastal gardens, armeria thrive in a wide range of habitat and are both drought and frost tolerant.
An old cultivar we imported from the UK with good foliage and some farina on the leaves. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Miniature alpine yarrow for cottage garden or rock garden, long flowering and not invasive, pure white flowers. Drought and frost hardy.
A wonderfully spiky tall summer flowering perennial, with blue spherical blooms, resembling a mace in form. Best grown on loose soil in full sun, and a wonderful cut flower.
I spotted this dwarf poker in the UK years ago, where I was struck by its compact form and abundant hot-orange pokers. It is winter dormant and makes a good grassy mound of leaves when not in flower.
Single white campanula; simple and beautiful, yet easily grown and long-lived. Like most campanulas, it dislikes excessive leaf litter on the crowns in winter.
A low-spreading variety with attractive grey-green leaves and pink flowers. Great under roses with Heuchera americana and Alchemilla mollis.
The old fashioned fragrant yellow primrose. A delight on a warm spring evening when the delicate perfume wafts around the garden.
An attractive species with glossy leaves and an showy leaf rosette. Amber flowers clustered tightly on tall stems.
A more elegant plant than the type forming a compact mound of foliage covered in large pure white flowers during summer. Performs well in a rockgarden or mixed border situation in full to part sun.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
A beautiful variety with silver and reddish flower heads that stand well above the foliage and last into winter. Like other varieties, cut down to ground level in winter every few years.
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best double purple plants. Strain includes 'Dido' and 'Betty Ranicar'.