Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins'
Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.
Cushion-forming plant from Chile for the rockgarden or trough. Great around stones, spreads horizontally to form a tight mat.
Cushion-forming plant from Chile for the rockgarden or trough. Great around stones, spreads horizontally to form a tight mat.
Data sheet
Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.
Pure white Japanese wind-flower for shaded woodland plantings. Not fast to establish but vigorous and low maintenance once fully grown. Mulch well, and trim lightly after flowering.
A long stemmed form suitable for picking. Violet blue flowers in winter and early spring.
Low carpeting silver foliage cotton lavender, resembling a compact version of Santolina chaecyparissus. Brilliant in gravel gardens and mediterranean style plantings when combined with grasses, euphorbia, rosmarinus and erysimum.
Spectacular tall salvia from Mexico, with long canes topped with coral pink flowers in late summer. I particularly like the large, tropical-looking felted leaves.
Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.
Attractive low growing variety that enjoys a meadow style planting amongst grasses and perennials. Dozens of creamy primrose flowers over a long period and reliably perennial.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
Long flowering plant with vibrant deep red flowers during summer. Easy in meadow plantings or cottage garden.
Perfectly white flowers, with all the good aspects of the other Salvia nemorosa varieties. Very frost tolerant, ideal bedding plant, will repeat flower in fertile soil.
Old fashioned pink variety for full sun, ideal between roses or for mass planting. Prolific grower and will grow well in clay or sandy soils.
Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.
Our own selection, it has taller stems than our other cultivars with wider leaves; a neat evergreen plant with grassy foliage for the border or cottage garden. It has a long flowering period and the long stems make it suitable for floral work.
Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.
Evergreen Iris from Burma, China and Japan. An attractive species with fans of leaves and light blue flowers in early summer. I find the foliage effect of this plant very useful when combined with grasses, sedums and euphorbias. Interesting large seed heads.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.