Podophyllum pleianthum
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.
Data sheet
Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.
Evergreen variety for shade with pink flowers and glossy mounding low foliage. Useful for mass plantings and foliage effect with pachyphragma and epimedium.
Rich purple flowered variety, more mildew resistant than others in our area. Tall and self supporting non staking variety, useful as a cut flower.
Beautiful silver variegated form of the "Solomons Seal", each leaf lined with a white line around its outer edge. Easy to grow in shade under trees and shrubs.
This is the rarely offered white form, lovely cut flower and cottage garden perennial. To grow effectively, avoid winter wet as much as possible and grow in a raised bed or well drained soil.
Native to the Pyrenees, a good blue variety forming a rounded mound of foliage and flowers in mid-summer. Combines well with Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' and sedums. Ensure planting in ground: not good in pots.
Intermediate between Nepeta 'Walkers Low' and faasenii, bushy long flowering cultivar that repeat flowers well after trimming. Use as edging in cottage gardens instead of lavender. Flowers are lavender mauve in colour.
Drought tolerant groundcover for perennial border; associates well with sedums, santolina, euphorbia, slavias. Grey foliage attractive mounding habit with pink flowers.
A compact species for border and rock garden which works well for ground cover and edging, does not collapse like taller varieties. Very drought tolerant and tidy compact growth.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
This is the best variety for drying and essential oil production, as it has a higher than usual oil concentrate in the leaves. Used in the production of cosmetics and fragrances.
Native to the Caucuses, Iran, and widespread in mountainous areas around the Balkan peninsula. A lovely, nodding, soft blue variety with short spurs, easy amongst perennials in woodland or part shade.
Old fashioned 'shasta daisy' with tall strong stems for picking, bullet proof plant that is reliably perennial and will grow almost anywhere.
Tall variety. Flowers begin very soft primrose then fade to white; the range of tonal shades within yarrow flowers is endless.
Campanula punctata type with semi double flowers, tall panicles, elegant and lovely. Spreading habit, frost and drought hardy.
Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.