Sanguisorba officianalis 'Pink Tanna'
Slender wiry stems topped with lolly pink pompoms about the size of a mulberry, flowering for months in summer. Like other sanguisorba they are drought tolerant, but like some clay below the surface.
Spectacular climber with lime bells followed by purple berries. Trim at early stage to maintain bushy habit and abundant flowering. Native to Tasmania in eucalyptus under-storey, often found with Clematis aristata and Pomaderris elliptica.
Spectacular climber with lime bells followed by purple berries. Trim at early stage to maintain bushy habit and abundant flowering. Native to Tasmania in eucalyptus under-storey, often found with Clematis aristata and Pomaderris elliptica.
Data sheet
Slender wiry stems topped with lolly pink pompoms about the size of a mulberry, flowering for months in summer. Like other sanguisorba they are drought tolerant, but like some clay below the surface.
Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.
Paniculata type with white flowers and pink eye, fragrant and grows well with plenty of summer water and nutrients. Not for low maintenance gardens!
Late summer filler for perennial border, flowering from summer into winter. An easy plant that will in fill nicely between penstemons, euphorbias and dahlias. Dead head to prolong flowering, purple flowers on tall airy stems.
Ornamental perennial from South America, with attractive white trumpet flowers and a sweet scent. A spectacular infill plant in mass plantings and backgrounds, best in part shade.
Shorter growing variety often more suited to smaller spaces and cottage gardens than taller Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'. Only knee high and combines well with sunny border foreground plantings of dianthus, geraniums and Salvia nemorosa.
Pink 'Pacific Giant' strain. Requires good soil and drainage to flourish. Delphiniums are best situated in an easterly aspect with morning sun only, protected from hot afternoon sun and drying wind.
Spreading succulent from South Africa with attractive blue grey foliage, useful when landscaping dry areas. Avoid winter wet or excessive irrigation.
Prolific mid season flowering verbena which combines well in meadow plantings amongst other perennials, the dark stems and foliage look particularly good in full sun with summer colours.
Double peachy pink carnation with full large flowers on medium stems. Fragrant and long lasting in the garden.
Slightly lower growing variation on 'Moerheim Beauty' with bushy compact shape. Summer flowering for perennial border or cottage garden.
A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.
One of the best Geranium pratense crosses , flowering all through summer with lovely dark blue flowers reminiscent of Geranium himalayense. Compact shape and long-flowering.
Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.
Creeping perennial, native to woodland in central and western Europe. Lovely single upward facing white flowers, forms large patches in time. Easy in the garden, lower growing than the tall 'Windflower' varieties.
Our own selection, it has taller stems than our other cultivars with wider leaves; a neat evergreen plant with grassy foliage for the border or cottage garden. It has a long flowering period and the long stems make it suitable for floral work.